Backpage and Cracker no more….

Backpage and Cracker shut down by FBI

Apparently Backpage and cracker are no more, seized by the FBI.

Any recommendations on alternate non-US sites you gentlemen use appreciated for advertising….


5 Responses to “Backpage and Cracker no more….”

    • Mistress Imogen Reply

      Yeah have googled and found a few to list on, thing is if the people searching dont use those sites its pointless lol

      Scarlet Blue was recommended, its a paid site.
      Bellalafemme is offering free advertising till end of 2008 if you sign up within a certain time.

      Heaps of others too though, need to have a look through them.

  1. It appears that a lot of online sites are changing since the recent introduction of some new laws in the US.

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